The Crown Jewels of Hawk Green


Ever wonder what a Crown made out of Yorkshire Pudding looks like? Well, now you know.

This weekend we took a trip out to Hawk Green, a leafy suburb of Marple. Hawk Green has a wonderful community spirit that often congregate on their huge beautiful village green. Just to the north of the centre of Hawk Green is the stoic Goyt Mill, dating back to the early 1800’s and running along side Hawk Green we have the Macclesfield Canal. Beautiful, quiet, meandering walks are littered throughout Marple. If that wasn’t enough, the Peak District is right next door. What better way to spend your day than a nice long walk ending with some great food and a drink.

The Crown is perfectly placed just off the village green. Away from the main road, you’ll be sat in the garden to the front soaking up the sun and sipping a cocktail or two… More importantly, this also means you’re able to sip a cocktail while your children (or husband?) are across the way playing in the park on the green, leaving you in peace.

I find history fascinating and am in actual love with all of the old world pictures that line the walls in the restaurant. Giving us a glimpse into what life used to be like in Marple, all that time ago. While the foundations of the building remain in tact and unchanged, the food and décor have come leaping into the 21st Century. We describe The Crown as a modern country gastropub. Remarkably they have been able to renovate to a very high and contemporary standard without compromising any of the traditional charm. Exposed wooden beams, wooden floors, open fire places and tartan wallpaper are giving us all of the pub vibes from this Gastropub.


This Sunday we were not messing about. No dithering over our choice or pondering on starters. We knew why we came. We were here to try a legendary roast; “2 topside of beef please”. Brought to the table on what can only be described as a platter plate for one, sat our beautifully tender beef and its Yorkshire Crown. Jaws dropped and eyes popped open. We have heard a lot about how good this roast is on the foodie grapevine but we truly were not expecting this vision that had manifested on our plates.

As I mentioned, we both went for the Topside of Beef, however there was a turkey or nut roast option too. Having had a veggie alternative last weekend, I wanted some meat. Expertly carved (clearly carved by a meat lover), this beef was thiccccc. Unlike some business owners that may be looking after their margins and offer you a shaving of meat on your roast, The Crown is looking after their guests and offering you half a cow on your roast. With no need to really use your knife, this beef fell apart on the fork and melted in the mouth. Underneath your beef you’ll find you roast parsnips, mash swede and roast potatoes. All of which were gasping for air under the sheer weight of the beef! The roast potatoes are just like you used to eat when you were little at your family Sunday Dinner… Well, they took me back to my childhood home anyway… Offering that beautiful balance of crisp shell with fluffy sweet tasting potato on the inside.

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Are you like me and saving the best bit until the end of your meal? Ok good, because we’ve got two of the most important elements left; The gravy! Thick as treacle and richer than Opera Winfrey (now that’s bloody rich!). Once we got over the initial shock and started to eat in silence (a good meal will shut even the gobbiest people up), we started to talk and discuss how we could describe this gravy to get its taste across to you all – The best way I could think to describe this is ‘a real northerners gravy’. Keeps you warm to help you survive these cold winters! None of that watery muck. Finally, we move onto the actual crown in The Crown; The Yorkshire pudding. Homemade, humungous, and heavenly. It was simply magical, and I really want to eat one again. Crisp around the top, with a thoughtful splash of gravy poured into the Yorkshire before it reached the table. Personally I think they’ve purposefully been made so big so you can make sure you’re able to mop up every last drop of gravy (Hallelujah).

Now, a roast wouldn’t be a roast without a little pudding would it, so naturally we had to get one each. Just like the roast, they both held such a great standard. I had the new rhubarb, strawberry and prosecco custard crumble with a nice scoop of raspberry ripple icecream. Jamie had the (Ok, I chose for him) Sweet nachos. Which is essentially little pieces of Sticky pudding, brownie pieces, and vanilla ice cream drizzled with chocolate sauce. I’m such an indecisive person so it’s the perfect pudding for someone like me that wouldn’t be able to choose between the brown or the sticky pudding… Have both! Both desserts were tasty and indulgent. Neither pudding had been seen on any other menu that we’ve browsed too, so extra points for creativity.

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In summary, this charmingly chic country gastropub ticked all of our boxes; Dog friendly? Tick. Plenty of walks and scenery nearby? Tick. Outdoor space for a shandy in the sun? Tick. Outstanding food? Tick, Tick. Value for money? Tick (Did I not mention that the roast is only £12.50?!). I would not, and have not, hesitated in telling everyone that will listen to me about this place. We will 1 Million per cent be returning, and we cannot wait.

Lynne, you have a beautiful place with the most wonderful atmosphere. Your team are marvellous and we cannot wait to see you all again.

You can find The Crown along with hundreds of other Cheshire based restaurants on our food map.

*This meal was not gifted to us, but even if it were, I wouldn’t change a word…