Just a Mickle Roast Dinner


What type of eater are you? Are you a “try somewhere new every time I go out” kinda person. Are you an “I know what I like so no need to change it” kinda person. Are you like us; somewhere in the middle? We like to try somewhere new where possible. We’ll travel far and wide for the new best eggs benedict (brunch servers, take note!). We will however always go back to the places that serve our favourite and most treasured meals. The Shrewsbury Arms has just jumped its way onto our leaderboard for a roast dinner.

Have you ever heard of Mickle Trafford? No, we hadn’t either. To the point where I told someone I was going to Nipple Trafford to review a roast dinner. I was met with an odd look so had to double-check the address. For those lucky devils living in Chester or the surrounding areas, Mickle Trafford is a 15-minute drive away for you. Surrounded by idyllic Cheshire countryside and fresh air you’ll see The Shrewsbury Arms perched on the side of the road. It’s pretty hard to miss, but in true fashion, we managed to drive right passed. Thanks, Apple maps…


Once inside, you’re immediately met with a warm and welcoming atmosphere. This could be something to do with the stunning log burners and decor, or it could be down to the rustic farmhouse vibes that this country pub oozes. Either way, we were living for it and quickly set to work snapping some photos and recording video for you all.

We were booked in for 12 noon but turned up a little early (all for the ‘gram photos). When the clock struck 12, the flood gates opened. This place filled up like a tube train during rush hour. Always promising. We happened to be sat next to two patrons that had been coming to The Shrewsbury Arms for five years for their roast dinners. Another sign we were in for a treat! They were quick to tell us the improvements that they had seen over the years, a clear indication that The Shrewsbury Arms had put a lot of love into their food and standards.

We opted for the Roast Sharing Platter for two. At this stage I would pause to allow you all to gasp at our gluttonous indulgence but let’s be honest, you’re not even surprised, are you? No, didn’t think so. Before the food comes out you’re presented with your piping hot plate. A promising start. I never understand why some establishments insist on putting their hot food on stone-cold crockery. Something so simple can make such a difference. As food reviewers, we’ve kind of resigned ourselves to the fact that eating lukewarm food is a given as we can sometimes get carried away taking photos and videos (I know, such a chore!). We were over the moon when we put our cameras down and started to eat. To our delight, the plates kept the food lovely and toasty for us.


Out came the banquet fit for a King (or Queen in our case), proudly led by a parade of staff to our table. The first thing that caught our attention were the two gigantic Yorkshire puddings standing tall. Something to mop up the gravy at the end.

Now, meat lovers listen up; we had five different types of meat! Yes, you heard right. Five! They were thick, hand-carved, fresh and juicy slabs of meat. None of this wafer-thin meat you’d find at a fine dining places. Actual meat, meat that you could really sink your teeth into and let the inner caveman out. There was Roast Rump of Beef, Corn Fed Chicken, Roast Ham, Roast Pork, and Lamb! We ate every morsel of it. We’re allowed, we rarely cook meat at home.

Now, did you know that potato snobbery was an actual thing? I didn’t either until we started eating in so many different places. For me, the staple that holds a whole roast together is the potato. I’ve been told I’m a little dramatic at times, but I think a roast potato can make or break a roast. I could have squealed with joy when I discovered no less than eight golden nuggets of joy. Homemade, like your Mum used to make. No Aunt Bessies (or, heaven forbid, new potatoes) insight. Just eight crisp, lightly oiled packages of pure potatoey bliss.


This bountiful banquet did not end there. Nope. The trimmings. You can’t forget the trimmings. All. Of. Them. Bubble and Squeak! Cauliflower and Cheese! Red Cabbage cooked in cider and orange. Perfect combo. The pork crackling was just crackling-y enough. I have pretty weak teeth (after many years of teeth whitening abuse. Oopsie) and I wasn’t wincing with pain as I was crunched my way through every morsel I could find. There was a very generous bowl (cauldron) of veggies on the side. I ate all the Brussel sprouts because they’re not just for Christmas, they’re for life!


Finally, I must take a moment to give a shout out to their gravy. It was somewhere in between thick and thin. A happy medium. I adore thick gravy and detest thin watery gravy. This gravy was just right. Despite sounding like little miss Gravylocks over here, that chalice of sweet gravy goodness helped bring everything together.. and helped wash everything down. I’m serious, we ate so much we had to turn down pudding. Even our dessert stomachs were full.

If you were to ask my friends what I spoke to them about later that day, they would shrug their shoulders with confusion because I spoke to no-one. I went straight home for a nap! Just how a Sunday should be, right?!

We’d like to thank The Shrewsbury Arms for having us and special thank you to Laura, who told us you were nervous about our visit, you had absolutely nothing to worry about and should be immensely proud of your service, food and establishment. You were an absolute delight, your team are so courteous and polite and your roast was phenomenal. We’ll be back for sure. Maybe we’ll get to try a pudding next time (probs not though, because I’m going to eat all eight potatoes myself next time).

Even though this meal was gifted to us we always give a true and honest account of our experience. If you’re looking for some inspiration on where to eat next, head over to our reviews page and make sure you’ve signed up to our mailing list to keep up to date and be the first to be in the know.