Lockdown takeaway so good you won't believe how many times we ordered!


A good takeaway can be difficult to come by. You all know what I mean. There are those days when you’re feeling all adventurous and dare to try somewhere new, only to be rewarded with a bag of sweaty chips or that ever-so-mouthwatering dish that was described as the holy grail to find out it’s a pile of steaming… well you get the drift. So, when you find that special one, hold onto it for dear life and foster that relationship, you never know when you’re going to craving their food love again.

Lucky for you, we have found one such takeaway – Nasi Lemak’s Malaysian Street Food. Before the world was in disarray you’d find Nasi Lemak at food markets, festivals and other such pop-ups. Most recently before lockdown 2.0 they had taken a short residency at Stretford Food Hall and have adapted to offer their delicious street food delivered straight to your door. Ready to pop in the microwave when hunger hits.


You’d be forgiven for not having tried Malay cuisine before; we hadn’t tried it up until two weeks ago… or so we thought. The Malay cuisine is the sum of many familiar and delicious dishes you may already know, drawing influence from Chinese, Indian, Thai and Indonesian flavours to form its very own unique style - Malaysian food is strong, aromatic and generous with their spices. What’s not to love, right?!

Confession time - we loved this food so much we ordered twice in a week and given the sheer amount of food we ordered, I cannot in good conscience sit you here and talk you through each dish in detail because Malaysian food would be your chosen topic for mastermind if we did. I will however tell you that not one dish missed the mark. We had some favourites, but that’s not to say anything was underdelivered, just personal preference and weird foodie quirks.

Order One

  • Rempah Fried Chicken Curry with sticky sweet soy and sambal.

  • Chicken Laksa Ramen

  • Beef Rendang

  • Korean Ribs

  • Veggie spring rolls

  • Kimchi

Order Two

  • DIY Bao with Braised Beef & Chilli Oil.. (We ordered 4 buns)

  • Rempah Fried Chicken Curry with sticky sweet soy and sambal.

  • Malay Chicken Curry

  • Veggie Spring Rolls.

No, your eyes do not deceive you; Yes that is a DIY bao kit on our list. You can order bao bun with veg or meat filling. You can then opt for the additional chilli oil to get the party started. You can also purchase a steamer for a very reasonable £6. We happened to have a steamer and we’ve been dying to use it! The whole set up makes this popular street food interactive, accessible and great fun. The perfect way to be spending an evening in lockdown!


As the name suggests, the Rempah Fried chicken with sticky sweet soy is seductively sweet and addictive. We tried eating with chopsticks but quickly moved over to a spoon to really shovel this one in. So good we had to order this twice.


The Chicken Laksa Ramen was coconutty and creamy. Delivering some real punch from the laksa, you can really taste the lemongrass and spices. A dreamy combination!


A special shout outs to the veggie spring rolls and Kimchi. The spring rolls are huge. Pop these in the oven, not microwave, for a real crisp finish. The Kimichi. My, oh my, the kimchi. I’m in love with this fermented cabbage its true. I’m compelled to order whenever I see it on the menu. I have to be honest, this is some of the tastiest kimchi I’ve eaten. Its flavour was deep and earthy, slightly sweet and then a spicy kick in the face. Made by someone that clearly knows what they’re doing - The Kimchi was made by another street food vendor, Ms Yen. Some of you may know her from Woks Cluckin.

On both occasions we’ve absolutely loved our deliveries from Nasi Lemak. Not only because we’ve not had to go out and get all hot and steamy under a mask in a crowded supermarket, but because its been so simple to have great food delivered to our door.

Nasi Lemak changes the menu weekly so you get the chance to choose something different each time. We can honestly say you won’t be disappointed with anything that Nasi Lemak create! You can find menu changes, delivery details and even order your food through their Facebook page here

You can find Nasi Lemak, along with hundreds of other Cheshire based restaurants on our food map.

*Food was not gifted.