Comfort food to feed your Autumn mood


Autumn is well and truly upon us. It’s in the air, it’s in the trees, it’s even in our menus. We had the absolute pleasure of being invited to Drum and Monkey in Alderly Edge to shoot and taste their new autumn menu!

You probably will have guessed by now, but if you haven’t; we’re such huge fans of The Drum. In the heart of Alderley Edge, this gastropub is a local favorite and a celebrity hotspot. The Drum holds its charm while still being able to deliver a serious WOW factor.

The popular pavilion in the garden has now been taken down and re-erected to create a brand new covered seating area. Bring your bottles of fizz outside to enjoy the fire heaters in this hygge-hideout.

To start with I chose the black pudding salad. Who would have known a salad could be so warming. Loved the poached egg on top. Perfect for black pudding dipping. The other was a dish from the specials board; Pan-fried Gnocchi, with roasted pumpkin, hazelnuts & blue cheese. The taste of autumn. With a glug of red wine you’ll be very happy you picked this one.


For mains, I’m going to jump straight into Jamie’s Lamb. He described it as the BEST dish he’s had in a ‘pub’. Ever. It was rich, tender, and huge! The Moroccan spices were subtle but packed a delayed punch after a few mouthfuls. The Cous Cous, adorned with pomegranate seeds, provided the perfect vehicle for mopping up that delicious sauce.

I had King Prawn & Chicken Stirfry. It was a mountain of chicken, huge meaty prawns, and stirfry veggies. As if being crushed to death underneath this very generous portion of meat, I found the glass noodles drenched in the chili, garlic, and sesame! A complete gut buster, in the best possible way.


As if we hadn’t eaten enough we decided to go for a pud too. Sticky toffee, butterscotch sauce, and ice cream for me. The new Apple and autumn berry crumble for Jamie. Not going to lie, we had a little catfight over the crumble at the photoshoot… It’s a goodun, and worth falling out over.


As always, we had a magical time at Drum and Monkey. Always warm and always welcome, The Drum team will make you feel right at home.

You can find Drum and Monkey, along with hundreds of other Cheshire based restaurants on our food map.

*While this food was gifted to us, Drum and Monkey are not exempt from our critique. This is a true representation of our experience.