There's something about audlem, cheshire

Photo Credit Linden Stores Facebook

I’m not quite sure how to begin this one… Sometimes, words and pictures don’t do a place justice. Sometimes you really need to feel what we felt. Sometimes, at least for us, a new discovery is an emotional experience. That is exactly what happened at Linden Stores in Audlem.

If you haven’t heard of Audlem (we hadn’t until we were invited down for a visit), it’s a very picturesque Cheshire village near Nantwich. With picture-perfect houses, twinkle lights in the streets, quaint shops and cobbled streets. It’s like a village straight out of a movie.

Since 2021 this marvellous little village has concealed its newest inhabitants from you all - Linden Stores, owned by husband and wife duo Chris & Laura. It’s a family-run neighbourhood “spot” that has struck a symphonic balance between village store, wine haven and foodie dream. Using seasonal British and local produce Chef Chris is set to blow your hungry socks off while wife Lauras choice of wines will woo you into a tipsy haze. A recipe for an evening you won’t forget.

On arrival, we’re greeted by Chantelle and Alice; who by the way are the loveliest girls you could wish to meet. Smiley, energetic and genuine. Our favourite type of people.

The decor drips in cool and feels Scandi Chic. Schic? Can I claim that word? Matte black chairs, hygge vibes and the nicest crockery EVER (seriously we have some on order for props in photoshoots..). The intimate table settings and soft lighting will seductively draw you into a wine-induced haze (thanks Chantelle, and thank you to Laura for picking some top wines).

You’ll find no “starters” or “mains”. The menu is strictly for sharers and carers. It’s plentiful and playful. Chantelle (who by the way is going to be our new best friend, she just doesn’t know it yet) patiently guides us through the menu and explains the further down the menu you go the bigger the dishes become. She advises 2/3 dishes each.. Obviously, we wanted four, so we settled on three dishes each and a pudding. Because there’s always room for dessert.

Bubble & Squeak Croquettes with Bovril Mayo

Black Pudding Scotch Egg

Dishes will arrive at your table when they are ready. So our advice would be to collaborate your way through this menu so you can oooh and ahh in tandem with your fellow food lovers. Pick dishes you all enjoy.. perhaps one just for you! 

My proud picks for the table; Pickled mussels with trout roe, Black pudding scotch egg with tomato chutney, bubble and squeak with Bovril mayo. Jamie’s choices were the Charred tender stem broccoli, smoked yoghurt and peanuts, the duck breast with pumpkin puree, rainbow chard and blackberries and finally smoked and fried spuds.

Pickled mussels, trout roe

Charred tenderstem broccoli, smoked yoghurt, peanut

Without the risk of over-hyping, it was truly faultless. Each wonderful dish had its own element to make it special. Bovril mayo is not something I’ve never had the pleasure of tasting before. Add that to bubble and squeak. Real bubble and squeak. Genius. The mussels were perfectly pickled; the trout roe and pickled onions added the perfect bite. Jamie devoured his duck and loved every eye-rolling mouthful!

Gressingham Duck breast, pumpkin puree, rainbow chard, blackberries

This may sound odd, but we had to ask how the spuds were smoked… They’re parboiled, smoked over wood chips and then lightly fried, served with more of that Bovril mayo and they’re bloody beautiful. A giant bowl of those, a few bottles of the smokey, full bodies Marie Antoinette (Chantelle’s recommended red wine of choice) and my night would be made.

Smoked and fried spuds

We finished our not so small, small plate banquet with a Chocolate and peanut butter tart which is served with a perfectly balanced vanilla creme fraiche and a Yorkshire Parkin smothered in a butterscotch sauce, topped with a healthy scoop of rhubarb and ginger liqueur ice cream.

Chocolate and Peanut butter tart, vanilla crème fraiche

Yorkshire Parkin butterscotch sauce, rhubarb and ginger liqueur ice cream

Would we return? Abso-fudging-lutely. We are in awe of what Chris and Laura have created. Despite it being an hour drive from our hometown we will be returning and we will be going for drinks with the girls afterwards. That’s a promise.

*This food was gifted to us, however, Linden Stores are not exempt from our critique. This is a true representation of our experience.