We Are Smart Bar


This week we sat down with Ben Morrison, owner of We Are Events, to talk about the newest addition to his business repertoire; We are smart bar & we are healthy smart bar.

Before we dive into the smart bar, here’s a little about Ben. He started his events business in 2011. After many years of building his brand, he managed to reach great heights. That was until the Coronahammer came crashing down on the world. 

Within its first few months of hitting the UK, Corona decided to show Ben just how devastating it could be. Ben, very open and candidly tells us it was as if the phone lines were pulled from the walls and the calls for new business stopped overnight. As if taking his business wasn’t enough, COVID decided it would rip through his family too.

After suffering a huge loss Ben was not quite ready to throw in the towel. Ben tells us that he physically cannot be out of work, its not within his genes. He has a passion to create and the gritty determination that he gets from his father. I’m sure Ben is counting his blessings at inheriting his Dads work ethic as it is for this reason The Smart Bar was born…


So, what is ‘We Are Smart Bar’?

It’s a converted Smart Car that serves its clients as a pop-up food and drinks outlet all over Manchester, Cheshire and soon to be, beyond! It’s completely adaptable to suit its customer’s needs and requests. Predominantly travelling through your local area as a high-quality Coffee and snack provider. Fine coffee sourced from London, the creamiest hot chocolate sourced from Wales. No stone is left unturned in the quest to source the finest produce to bring a little joy to your day.

What is the healthy we are smart bar?

Ben and his team have been working with nutritionists and diet experts to grow a new healthier version of the smart bar. Together they have devised a completely new menu to bring a much-needed injection of goodness and wellbeing.


Where can we find you?

The Smart Bar is, by design, able to pack up and go all over. They have regular spots all over Manchester and Cheshire (more info on their socials about specific spots).

They are also on call for corporates and small businesses; They are completely adaptable. The smart bar has been used as a pizza pop up for a large business to reward its staff, it has been used as a food market with each car providing something different. They were even able to provide a ‘Smart bar by night’ which provided cocktails and drinks for the masses (before lockdown and restrictions tightened).

The Future

In a little over 6 months, Ben has gone from hatching this idea, to buying one smart car, to then owning a small fleet of 10 cars. We are Smart bar has recently secured a huge contract so we will soon be seeing the company and fleet grow even further. 

I don’t know about you but I’ve been saying “Oh go on then, we’re in lockdown” while I demolish my third pack of hobnobs for far too long now. So this new iteration of the Smart bar is right up my alley. You can find everything from raw smoothies and protein shakes to healthy snacks like oat cookies, peanut butter filled pretzels and granola!

It was an absolute delight to sit down and talk with Ben. He’s a breath of fresh air. Beaming with pride, positivity and joy and we certainly can’t wait to see what the future holds.

To book, please visit www.wearesmartbar.co.uk