This gastropub ain't badgering around


We’ve said it once, and we’ll repeat it - there is something extraordinary happening in Church Minshull.

The Badger Inn and its team are making some serious ripples in the Gastro-pond. We’re beyond happy to be sitting front row watching it happen!

We took a trip to visit the team for lunch this week. Bearing in mind, we’ve only visited once before, but we felt like we had known everyone for years.

The badger is a beautiful, picturesque and historical building. The team have managed to breathe new life into it. They have taken a quaint pub and have elevated it to Gastropub status without question. They have carried gorgeous industrial details throughout the different spaces. You’ll find distressed leather booths, copper light fixtures and candles providing all the soft lighting you’ll need.

So I mentioned “gastropub” earlier, so it’s only right we discuss the food now. I don’t like to sound dramatic or like I’m overreacting, but OH. MY. GOD. This place gets me a little teary-eyed.

For starters, I went for the scotched egg with pickles and HP sauce. My Lordy lord. I genuinely would be happy to eat this any time of the day. It’s perfect as a simple snack or to get your taste buds ready for the next course. Beautifully crisp on the outside and perfectly seasoned on the inside. The sharp tang on the pickles works so well with the fruity HP sauce. One of those mouthfuls that grabs your attention.


Jamie attempted the “healthier” option. Forever trying to be skinny – doesn’t work in this business. He chose this season asparagus, jersey royal potatoes, grain mustard, poached egg with white truffle and hazelnut dressing. The only way I would like to eat asparagus now. Great flavours and a perfect nutty texture to go with it.

Onto the main show, Jamie couldn’t resist and HAD to eat the lamb again. After our previous taster session, he hasn’t stopped badgering people about it (see what I did there). The taster session was no fluke; it was just as juicy, tender and perfect as before. Jamie didn’t share this time around. Hunching over his food like he had just hunted and killed it himself.

I took a chance and ordered the signature blend double cheeseburger. Naturally, when asked if I wanted an extra burger, I said yes. As if that’s a question? This giant burger was nothing short of mind-blowing. The burger was bigger than my head. Crowned upon my brioche sat the most delicately battered onion rings. The burger was beautifully seasoned and held its structure well, and no dry patties insight. A very welcome pickle added a good crunch and tangy kick to each mouthful. 

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Confession: This thing was so big I couldn’t finish all of my fries and slaw. I challenge you to go and order this, have a starter and then this burger. If you finish it all, send us a picture. I won’t believe you without a photo. It’s that big.

As we started drifting into a light food-induced coma at the table, we were asked if we wanted a dessert. We politely declined as the buttons on my jeans began to cry. Their plea for help was denied, and the chef sent us a pudding regardless – Thanks again, James, I’m so glad you did. The Bakewell Panna Cotta is a complete success. The bottom layer is sweet honey and fromage frais Panna Cotta, topped with sweet cherries and golden buttered almond crumble with more glazed almonds. It was the perfect end to an incredible meal. I wish more Chefs would take charge and tell us what we need to be eating!!

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We’ve been told The Badger is a Gastropub, but I’m not sure. I almost want to call it a casual fine dining experience – without any pretence. You can come here for a simple lunch or a special occasion and would leave VERY happy. The concepts and execution are magnificent. We can’t wait for you all to get in to try it!

We mentioned before that The Badger is on a new journey, a journey we know will lead to great things in the Gastro world. We are so happy for them and can’t wait to show you all more.

Click here to book your table now.

You can find The Badger Inn, along with hundreds of other Cheshire based restaurants on our Food Discovery and Local Loyalty APP.

*This food was gifted to us, however, The Badger Inn are not exempt from our critique. This is a true representation of our experience.